How To Improve Return On Investment (ROI) In Service Management Field? Complete Guide

Doing business is never an easy task. You have to overcome many issues in your daily routine operations if you are a businessman. These everyday challenges demand new tools, trends, or techniques as their solutions which simply means they demand more investments. But if you invest in every field without measuring the expected return on investment (ROI), then you cannot be a successful businessman. We said this because the field in which you are investing always doesn’t need to give you a high ROI ratio. Some investments give you nothing but a waste of time, money, and effort.

That’s why you should be careful while investing in your business and always try to choose high return investments. No doubt, searching for an excellent investment opportunity is like finding a needle in a haystack, but it is crucial for organizations because these types of investments not only benefit you monetarily, but they also help to improve the quality of your products and services. This is not only in the positive case but also in the negative case. There are some fields in which wrong investments could not be so harmful to the business quality; they just cause some loss of money. But there are some fields in which even a medium return on investment could affect your business productivity and quality index. In other words, these fields always demand a high ROI ratio.

Service management is also one of those fields in which an unmeasured investment could ruin your whole previous development. It is because the service management field has been directly linked with customer experience and productivity. Always remember that high return investments in the service management field could take up your organization to the next level of success and glory. That’s why you should be careful while investing in this field. There are so many opportunities and demands in this field that it becomes difficult for organizations to select investments with a high ROI ratio. That’s why in this article, we have discussed some common ways to improve return on investment from investments in the service management field. Before we go into the details, first, we know the basic concept of ROI and service management. So let’s move forward to it.

What Is Return On Investment (ROI)?

The return on investment (ROI) of an investment can be used to quantify the effectiveness or profitability of that investment. The ROI of many assets can also be compared using this metric. ROI is an attempt to measure the profit that was made from expenditure in relation to the outlay of money. Today, ROI has become a basic concept of every business and organization. We witness the implementation of this concept in nearly every field and every day. If the investment-related fields are not implemented, then it could result in a disaster for the concerned organization.

For example, a coffee shop owner is thinking of deploying a new coffee machine in his shop. Before investing in this plan, it would be best to measure the expected ROI ratio from this investment first. He can use different metrics in this regard; first, he should observe if existing machines are enough for the customers or not. If yes, then why should he waste his money on the new one. If not then there is a possibility that the new machine could attract new customers to the shop. In this way, this investment could be beneficial for him. That’s why measuring the expected return on investment is necessary for the organization.

What Is Service Management?

Your business will benefit from Service Management’s standardized, quantitative, and subjectively measurable services. Governance systems for applications, processes, resources, and infrastructures are developed with the intention of adopting a proactive and strategic approach. In this model, information technology serves as an intermediary in providing services and a key actor in defining and promoting the company’s growth. Service management may be effectively defined as the collection of organizational duties and activities meant to provide users and customers with a high-value service. This definition captures the essence of what service management is.

ROI In The Service Management Field

After overviewing the basic concept of ROI, it revealed that it is purely a financial term; then, what to do with it in the service management field? The answer is, yes, it is a financial term, but it has its implementation in all of these fields of an organization in which you invest. Simply we can say that where there is an investment, there should be a return on investment; if not, it means you have invested in the wrong place. So, if you are investing in the service management field, it means there must be a presence of ROI of some kind. If you are not investing in service management, then there would not be any ROI, and in that case, you should also be ready for some heavy losses.

Ways To Improve ROI In The Service Management Field

After proving the existence and need forROI in the service management field, the next question is to find some ways to achieve the best return on investment. There are many ways to achieve a high ROI ratio in the service management field. We could not tell you the exact way in which you should invest like we could not tell a random coffee shop owner whether he should buy a new machine or not, but we can suggest some ways in which you should look at the performance on your own and measure the expected average investment return as per your organization’s requirements and according to the interest of your customers and employees.

For example, we can suggest that you should change the couches or tables because they could have a positive impact on your customers. Now it’s on you whether you consider it to change and which type of change or you think that they are not so old because you know your company’s nature better than us. But here, we are not targeting just coffee shops, so we would discuss some common service management aspects in which investments could give you a high ROI ratio. In other words, we are just recommending some common & high return investments opportunities to you which can bring a good return on investment for you if they are suitable with your organizational structure. As they are common, that’s why they can be implemented in the service management field of nearly every organization. So, these common aspects give the best return on investment when you invest in them.


Customer Care

Customer care is the most important aspect of an organization’s service management department. It is because custom care services are directly interlinked with the customer satisfaction level and the customer satisfaction level is what specifically matters for an organization. That’s why suitable investments in customer care services could bring a good return on investment.

Employees Management

It is important for organizations to allocate all their available employees in such a way that they can be more productive and satisfied with the position and work that you have assigned to them. Moreover, employees also face many challenges in their daily routine, which could be disastrous if not addressed properly. Undoubtedly, it is challenging to manage the employees in an appropriate way, but you can not ignore this aspect. It is because if your employees are not satisfied with the services you are providing, their performance graph could fall down, directly impacting your overall performance. That’s why careful investments in the employee management aspect could be proven as high return investments.

Knowledge Management

When we talk about knowledge management, it means we are talking about the knowledge that you have provided to your employees and customers. This knowledge is about the daily routine issues that they face. It’s crucial to provide your employees and customers with such crucial information. That’s why if you are thinking about investing to make your knowledge management systematic, then it may have the best return on investment.

Customer satisfaction is the goal of every organization. It is because a satisfied customer is more likely to remain in a long-lasting relationship with the organization. But it does not end here; employee satisfaction should also matter for organizations. We said this because customer satisfaction is directly proportional to employee satisfaction. Organizations normally do not give importance to employee satisfaction and always try to satisfy their customers. You should give equivalent importance to both aspects as they could be more beneficial for you. Due to its importance, we can say that investing in that aspect could have a high ROI ratio.

Cost Reduction

When we talk about investments, it means we are talking about new expenditures. But sometimes, these additional costs cause cost cuts in some other aspects. For example, you are running a process manually that is time taking and costly. In that case, investing in an automatic tool to automate that process is an additional cost, but it could bring the best return on investment in the long term. That’s why while investing, you should also analyze its long-term benefits.

Time Saving

Sometimes long and time-consuming processes could be easily shortened with very little investment. As we talk about some time taking manual processes in the above section. That manual process could be shortened by using some automatic tool, trend, or technique, then why should we waste our time on some manual process. That’s why whenever you invest in preventing time wasting, it could bring a high ROI ratio for your organization.

Systematic Mechanisms

It is necessary for organizations to make their daily routine processes systematic. For that purpose, organizations should invest in formulating systematic mechanisms. These systematic mechanisms not only save time, effort, and money but also improve organizations’ overall performance and productivity. That’s why investments to build systematic mechanisms could be proven as high return investments.

One Solution For All

After overviewing all the above aspects in which investment could bring the best return on investment, the question is to find suitable investment plans that can address these aspects appropriately. These plans might be different according to the different requirements of different organizations. But there is one common solution that could work in nearly all organizations. This solution is to invest in an ideal help desk software. It would not only work in just these aspects, but it will totally change the look of your whole service management field. That’s why there are many reasons to invest in an ideal help desk software. We have discussed these reasons in detail in our previous articles. Here we will focus on the ROI-related aspects that we have discussed in the upward section. So following are the ways through which the help desk could ensure the best return on investment in the above aspects of service management.

Customer Care— The first aspect that we discussed was customer care. Help desk software could improve customer care because it was primarily developed to provide customer support services. The remaining aspects that are added to it are the result of the evolution process. It can improve it in a lot of ways. For example, providing an automatic ticket management system could make customer care look easier. That’s why involving the help desk software in customer care could result in a lot of improvements.

Employees Management— Investing in help desk software in the sense of employee management could improve the average investment return in this aspect. For example, providing a portal to employees through help desk software could let you know better the issues and concerns of employees. Moreover, an ideal help desk software also helps monitor employees’ performance. In this way, it causes an improved return on investment.

Knowledge Management— It’s wondering how help desk software could provide knowledge management services. The help desk software could provide knowledge to customers about daily routine issues through a self-service portal and could provide employees in the form of a knowledge base. That’s why help desk software could be an appropriate way to get a high return on investment through knowledge management.

Customer & Employee satisfaction— Any investment you make should have the goal of satisfying employees and customers. If you have this aim, then help desk software could be the best investment to get the best return on investment. For example, efficient service delivery regarding daily routine issues to both employees and customers through an ideal help desk software could improve your customer & employee satisfaction level.

Cost Reduction— Cost reduction of their daily routine processes is the dream of every organization. To make this dream come true, they sometimes have to make additional investments, as we mentioned above. For example, managing the customer’s requests and complaints could be a time-consuming and costly process because a large service team is needed for that purpose. In that case, if you invest in an ideal help desk software, it could automatically reduce the average costs by managing the customer’s requests. In this way, the biggest return on investment is those cost cuts resulting from automated help desk software.

Time Saving— As we mentioned in the above example, managing the customer’s requests and complaints is a very time-consuming task, but that time could be reduced through help desk software. For example, before help desk software deployment, your service team manager used to assign requests to members manually, which was too difficult and time-consuming, but help desk software made that process automated. In that case, the customers would be definitely satisfied when their requests or complaints are solved in no time. And satisfied customers are the best return on investment.

Systematic Mechanisms— All behind the success of an organization is its systematic mechanisms. These mechanisms have some investment or effort behind them. Help desk software could also help to formulate these mechanisms. For example, some help desk software (Like TIKTING) offers change management features. This change management feature has been managed as per guidelines by some standard methodology like ITIL, Agile, or a mixture of both. This systematic change management mechanism could not only bring many returns but also helps to prevent failed processes and heavy losses. And prevention of loss through investment is also a return on investment.


At the start of this discussion, we aimed to find common ways to increase return on investment in the service management field. After overviewing some common ways or aspects, we have also given one solution for all of these. This solution was to select the best help desk software to get a high ROI ratio. We have also given a guide on how to select the best help desk software. Further, we would recommend you choose TIKTING help desk & change management system if you want to achieve all these goals that we have mentioned above. We hope it will be really helpful for you in increasing your average investment return.

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